Camera Control Panel

Resolution & Format width height format

NOTE: if the camera is already in use for streaming by another application/client, applying the resolution & format will not have any effect (until all the streaming sessions have been closed).

Control settings

enable disable
enable disable
enable disable
enable disable
enable disable
enable disable
enable disable

  • If you want to turn on text-overlay while the camera is in use by another application AND text-overlay was turned off when that application opened the Camera, you need to close that application first. The same consideration is valid for object-detection (face detection by default). In case, you can also turn on these options when loading the driver.
  • When text-overlay is enabled, the image width should be multiple of 16.
  • red-balance and blue-balance have effect only when awb mode is set to off.
  • Many other controls are available on driver loading only.
Check to apply resolution, format and changed settings only, uncheck to reapply everything

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